ISBN: 81-7019-554-X,9788170195429
Year: 2016
Binding: Hardbound
During the last three decades, tremendous growth of population, increase in anthropogenic activities and rapid erosion of natural eco-system has slowly led to the near extinction of many medicinal plants. There is an urgent need of conservation, cultivation and disease management of medicinal plants as the latest Red-list of plants brought out by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) presents a dismal picture of nearly 34,000 species or 12.5% of the world�s flora facing extinction. The UGC sponsored National Conference held during 21st�23rd November, 2016 at TNB College, Bhagalpur in collaboration with PG Dept. of Home Science- Food and Nutrition, TMBU has focussed on urgent issues related to conservation, cultivation, diseases and pharmaceutical importance of medicinal and aromatic plants. In this three-days conference, deliberations made by the scientists on status, cultivation, diseases, pharmaceutical chemistry, constraints in conservation and multiplication of medicinal and aromatic plants, initiative of Govt. of India on quality control and standardization of ayurvedic medicines, opportunities in medicinal plant research, bio-prospecting and bio-piracy have manner, following guidelines of standard research journals with adequate number of tables, figures, graphs and latest references. The latest botanical name, family, local name, english name, distribution, medicinal uses, chemical constituents and herbal preparations and formulations have been provided as a step of value addition to the document to the maximum extent possible. The present book will prove useful to the research scholars and scientists of the various disciplines in their ongoing research activities.