
Perspectives in Primate Biology Vol. 3

By: Seth, P.K.
₹ 1,976.00 ₹ 2,195.00

ISBN: 8170193401
Year: 1989
Binding: Hardbound

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Contents: A review of variables affecting primate socialization,Food-sharing in primates,Sexual behaviour of the great apes,Primate social signals,Ecology and behaviour of the malagasy primates,Bringing experimentation to the field of primate vocalisation,The structure and usage of long calls in marmosets and tamarins,Cross-specific review of Asian colobine social organization and certain behaviours,Behaviour of the genus papio,Social behaviour of the lesser apes,Social structure and dynamics of the chimpanzee,Field studies of wild orang-utans current state of knowledge,A global overview of primate conservation,Behavioural phylogeny of rhesus monkeys in India,The successful captive breeding of endangered primates.