
Methods in Crop Physiology

By: Kavita
₹ 895.50 ₹ 995.00

ISBN: 9789391734343
Year: 2022
Binding: Hardbound
Language: English
Total Pages: 150

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The need of elementary experimental protocols in crop physiology courses for undergraduate and post graduate students have been keenly felt after adoption of revised course curricula. It was perceived that in absence of theoretical background students perform many of the practical exercises mechanically. In the present book emphasis has been given to describe the methodologies in a simple and logical manner. It provides stepwise protocol for each assay and the calculation of values from the observations noted. Important assay methods related to carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorus, fats, enzymes, growth hormones and physiology of growth has been provided besides preparation of buffers and standard solutions.


The need of elementary experimental protocols in crop physiology courses for undergraduate and post graduate students have been keenly felt after adoption of revised course curricula.  In the present book, emphasis has been given to describe the methodologies in a simple and logical manner. Important assay methods related to carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorus, fats, enzymes, growth hormones and physiology of growth has been provided besides preparation of buffers and standard solutions. This book is useful for students and research workers in botany, plant physiology, biochemistry, horticulture, agronomy and other cognate disciplines.