ISBN: 9789391734633
Year: 2023
Binding: Hardbound
Language: English
Total Pages: 295
The vagaries of climate change and the associated production limiting abiotic stresses is a hard truth which the humanity has to face in near future. Drought, salinity, flood, nutrient imbalancesand extremes temperature are among the major environmental constraints to crop productivity worldwide. The increasing climatic variability and associated stresses are likely to aggravate the problem of future food security and may lead to highly fragile agri-production systems. The climate resilient agriculture system is the need of the hour to have sustainable production and reduced green house gas emission with less environmental footprints of farming.
This book deals with highly pertinent and much discussed topic of climate change and related recommendations on eco-friendly adaptation and mitigation measures. This is an extensive compilation of latest scientific information having 19 very well drafted chapters written in a lucid manner by subject matter experts covering all facets of climate change and associated abiotic stresses. The chapters particularly deals with the impact of climate change on agri-production system, climate smart agriculture, Indian monsoon, eco-friendly and efficient resource utilization including water, conservation agriculture and agro-techniques for abiotic stress mitigation and adaptation strategies to have sustainable production. The book is also having additional information on mass spectrometry, chromatography and mushrooms for agro- business.
The book is having easy to understand diagrams and pictorial depictions, which enhance the quality of publication. It is a complete package of information having immense utility to the scientific community, teachers, researchers, extension personnel and other stakeholders involved in climate resilient agri-production system.
Dr. N.P. Singh is the former Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa and ICAR-NIASM, Baramati before serving as the Joint Director and Head at ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region. He has served for 36 years as a researcher, academician and research manager at North Eastern Hill University and different Research Institutions. Dr. Singh has attracted research and development fund of more than Rs.150 million and successfully completed several externally funded projects. He has been involved in identification and release of 15 varieties of pulses, cashew, vegetable and fruits for cultivation in North-Eastern Hill regions, Coastal regions and other parts of India. He has vast experience of more than 35 years of working under different agro-climatic conditions of India. He has published more than 280 publications including 170 research articles and 17 books and also awarded with the Fellowship of 6 National Academies and Professional Societies. Dr. Singh has headed more than 20 State and Central level Committees.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar is working as Scientist at ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati. He has received B.Sc. (Ag.) degree from Banaras Hindu University and completed his Master's from CCSHAU Hisar and Doctoral degree in Plant Physiology from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He has rich experience in application of non-invasive tools and techniques to quantify plant responses to abiotic stresses for more than 10 years. He has successfully executed more than 10 research projects in different capacities. He has bagged several best poster, oral and Young Scientist awards.
Dr. N. V. Singh is working as a Senior Scientist at ICAR- National Research Centre on Pomegranate. He has received B.Sc. (Ag.) degree from Banaras Hindu University and completed his Master's and Doctoral degree in Horticulture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He has rich experience of working with dryland and semi arid fruit crops particularly pomegranate for more than 10 years. He has successfully executed more than 12 in-house and externally funded research and developmental projects in different capacities. He has to his credit more than 200 publications including 40 impactful research papers and 2 books. Dr. Singh's research efforts culminated into release of two varieties and commercialization of 3 technologies related to micropropagation, biopriming and sanitation protocol for cuttings in pomegranate. He has bagged several best poster, oral and Young Scientist awards including a Fellowship of a Professional Society.
Dr. Yogeshwar Singh is working as Professor (Agronom at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhans Uttar Pradesh. He has served as Assistant Professor a RPCAU, Pusa, Bihar, Associate Professor at JNKV Jabalpur, M.P.; Senior Scientist and Principal Scientis ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, Maharashtra. He has vas experience in nutrient and water management unde diversified cropping system and integrated farming syster research for enhancing crop and water productivity. H has published more than 100 publications including 4 impactful research papers and 3 books. He has successfully executed mon than 15 research projects in different capacities. He has received several bes poster, oral and Young Scientist and fellow awards.