ISBN: 81-7019-435-0
Year: 2005
Binding: Hardbound
CONTENTS: Editorial Note An analysis of aeromycoflora at a vegetable market of Lucknow Weed allergens of Paschim Medinipore District, West Bengal Influence of spectral quality of light on in vitro pollen germination and tube elongation in pearl millet Pollinator fauna and foraging behaviour of honey bees in onion ecosystem Foraging activity of honeybees in onion ecosystem Effectiveness of different bee attractants in attracting bees in onion ecosystem Use of attractants in maximising the quantitative parameters of onion seed Aeromycology in urban air of Hyderabad Fungal airspora over a polluted environment of garbage disposal plant, Pune Quaternary Vegetational history of lateritic zones of West Bengal, India Variability for pollen traits in Gladiolus Genotypes Importance of pollen of horticultural crops for honey bees Airborne fungi of Poultry environment Aeromycoflora of a vegetable and fruit market in relation to occurrence of market diseases Pollen flora of honeybees in Visakhapatnam of pollen and its related phenological environments Effect of number of bee visits on fruit set and some fruit characters in Cucumis sativus L. Pollination potentiality of honeybees in increasing productivity of Guava in Karnataka Pollinator activity on Guava flowers with special reference to colony status of Apis cerana in Karnataka Fungal air spora of Mangavaram Village, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Ecofloristic survey of Agartala, Tripura with reference to aerobiology Foraging activity and pollinating efficiency of the Indian honeybee, Apis cerana indica in Spice Basil, Ocimum gratissimum Pollen analysis of squeezed honey in the forest environs of Tirupati, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh Influence of bee attractants on pollinator visitation and yield parameters in Sesamum Explosive pollen release, pollination and seed dispersal mediated by birds in Dendrophthoe falcata Ettingsh. (Loranthaceae) Pollen productivity in honeybee flora Pollen and Environment Pollen biology of some weed plants