ISBN: 8170192013
Year: 1983
Binding: Hardbound
(Vol. 1:ixI, 262 pages, 221 Text figures, 1930, Reprint 1983. Isbn: 81-7019-201-3. Vol.2:xxxi,391 pp., 135 Text Figures, 1930 Reprint 1983. Isbn: 81-7019-202-1), About the Book:-Till early 20th Century cestoda recorded form India were those found in man and the common domestic animals. In 1902, Professor W. Herdman visited the Pearl Banks of Ceylon in order to ascertain why the pearl fisheries were so irregularly productive and, if possible, to suggest remedial measures. Herdman associated pearl formation with the presence of a minute larval cestode which is common in the tissues of the oyster (Margaritifera Vulgaris). ISBN:8170192021 xl+653 Yr. of Pub.1983 Hard Bound English Book Title: The Fauna Of British India: Cestoda Author: T Southwell ISBN: 8170192021 Year of Publication: 1983 Number of Pages: xl+653 Book Binding: Hard Bound Language: English