ISBN: 8170195256
Year: 2016
Binding: Hardbound
Language: English
Total Pages: 286
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) facilitate the process of identification, collection, storing, processing and disseminating of information. The library and information science professionals are utilizing ICTs to keep pace with the problem of information explosion. The benefit of instant access to digital information is the most distinguishing attribute of the information age. In this book, the authors tried to highlight the libraries in the 21st century, the different components of providing digital information services, and Information and Communication Technology's role in modernizing libraries. The print media is still a major source of information in libraries. However, the situation is changing, and the library professionals should be ready for everything to cope with the new ICT used in libraries. Computer has brought in a new impact to the library and information usage. In libraries, information technology has assisted library professionals to provide value added quality information service and give more remote access to the inter-nationally available information resources. Today's highly sophisticated information technology facilitates the storage of huge amounts of data or information in a very compact space. Information technologies promised fast retrieval of stored information and revolutionize our concept of the functions of a traditional library and a modern information centre and have dramatically changed the mode of library operations and services.
Today libraries are shifting their role from the custodian of traditional information resources to the provider of service oriented digital information resources. Widespread use of computers, increased reliance on computer networks, rapid growth of Internet and explosion in the quality, and quantity of information compelled libraries to adopt new means and methods for the storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. Library automation, development of digital libraries and application of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) have tremendously increased because it provides enhanced user satisfaction, cost effectiveness, rapid responses, and easier operational procedures. Libraries and Information Centres have been employing ICT and electronic information resources and services to satisfy the diverse information needs of their users. E journals, CD ROM databases, online databases, e books, web based resources, and a variety of other electronic media are fast replacing the traditional resources of libraries. While libraries automated their library management activities and procure expensive electronic resources, these may not be optimally used. This is the main concern of librarians around the world. There are a lot of reasons for this state of affairs, like lack of sufficient funds, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of qualified library professionals. All academic libraries virtually depend on the IT system for their basic operation such as acquisition, Cataloguing. Circulation, serial control etc. The development of IT based systems by organisations with which libraries deal and within the institution it has meant that much closer attention has to be paid to the integration of the library's system with others. The functions that are required to provide effective delivery of information requirement need to be integrated. The integrated Library and information system can provide one- stop information services using the state of the art information technology tools. The vast information sources which the libraries gives access to not only the item held by or owned by the library but also given access to remote information sources and handling the resultant requirement to authenticate and authorize users. Even after attaining professional qualification, as library professional start their career, they do not understand the fundamentals and basics of the Information and Communication Technology. This because that they do not have access to appropriate literature which could provide them the accurate guidelines to understand the ICT. In view of this, the editors have designed to bring together a collection of excellent articles by specialist, who were deeply
Today libraries are shifting their role from the custodian of traditional information resources to the provider of service oriented digital information resources. Widespread use of computers, increased reliance on computer networks, rapid growth of Internet and explosion in the quality, and quantity of information compelled libraries to adopt new means and methods for the storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. Library automation, development of digital libraries and application of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) have tremendously increased because it provides enhanced user satisfaction, cost effectiveness, rapid responses, and easier operational procedures. Libraries and Information Centres have been employing ICT and electronic information resources and services to satisfy the diverse information needs of their users. E journals, CD ROM databases, online databases, e books, web based resources, and a variety of other electronic media are fast replacing the traditional resources of libraries. While libraries automated their library management activities and procure expensive electronic resources, these may not be optimally used. This is the main concern of librarians around the world. There are a lot of reasons for this state of affairs, like lack of sufficient funds, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of qualified library professionals. All academic libraries virtually depend on the IT system for their basic operation such as acquisition, Cataloguing. Circulation, serial control etc. The development of IT based systems by organisations with which libraries deal and within the institution it has meant that much closer attention has to be paid to the integration of the library's system with others. The functions that are required to provide effective delivery of information requirement need to be integrated. The integrated Library and information system can provide one- stop information services using the state of the art information technology tools. The vast information sources which the libraries gives access to not only the item held by or owned by the library but also given access to remote information sources and handling the resultant requirement to authenticate and authorize users. Even after attaining professional qualification, as library professional start their career, they do not understand the fundamentals and basics of the Information and Communication Technology. This because that they do not have access to appropriate literature which could provide them the accurate guidelines to understand the ICT. In view of this, the editors have designed to bring together a collection of excellent articles by specialist, who were deeply involved throughout their career in the field, made mark in the art and skills in the management of libraries through Information and Communication Technology.
The overall plan of the book comprises of twenty one papers, We record deep appreciation to the authors who have been generous enough in giving copyright transfer to reproduce their article on our single call and also they have appreciated and wished success in this venture. Last but not the least, the Editors are thankful to Mr. Sandeep Jain, Today & Tomorrows' Printers and Publishers, New Delhi for publishing this edited book in a short span of period which is deeply appreciated.
Dr. Sanjeev
Dr. Lallaisangzuali