ISBN: 8170192439
Year: 1984
Binding: Hardbound
Contents: Foreword,Preface,Biological anthropology in the service of man,Plant resources and human exploitation:estimation of Eco-balance,Somatoscopic variability among the male Bhoksa Tribals of Nainital district,Distribution of fork-index within the area of finger ball pattern,Anthropology: physical and cultural,Socio-economic changes in a banjara community,The deccan Indian neolithic(chalcolithic) an anthropological explanation,Indian anthropology: retrospect and prospect,Palmar dermatoglyphics in leukaemia patients,Studies on prehistoric potteries from Eastern India,Technical education and the deprived community,Inheritance of palmar creases,Newer perspectives in physical anthropology in India,Scope of statistics in anthropology is clerodendron lectin detecting a new blood factor,Evaluation of genetic polymorphism as a basis of quantitative variation of placental alkaline phosphatase,Blood groups incompatibility and infertility,Social structure and biological manifestations:the approach to understand man,Multi-dimensional development of folk culture as conditioned by environment,Creases in forensic and criminological investigation,Genetic markers and sex ratio,Serum proteins and mental retardation,Enzyme pseudocholinesterase and mental retardation,The new approaches to anthropology: archaeology as anthropology,Ecology and differential selection in man,Statistical methods in genetic anthropology and morpholo,Impact of caste and religion on the deciduous dental eruption in India,Ethnic situation in Island India: an appraisal.