Section - I (Prospects & Constraints of Agricultural Marketing)
1. Relevance of Changing Marketing Scenario in North Easterm Hilly Region and Its Implication in Agriculture Sector
2. New Economic policy and Indian Agriculture - Revisited
3. Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure in Nagaland-Challenges and Opportunities
4. An Analytical Study of Price-Spread & constraints in the Marketing of Mushroom in Agra Region (U.P.)
5. An Analytical Study of Almond Marketing & Problems of the Almond Growers in Kashmir Valley of J & K
6. Prospects of Agricultural Marketing in Nagaland
7. Role of United Planters’ Association of Southern India, Tea Research Foundation and Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Development of Tea Industry in Southern India
8. Strenthening of Agricultural Marketing in North-East Region of India
9. Impact of World Trade Organization (WTO) on Indian Agriculture
10. Constraints Past and Present: Challenges Ahead for Government in the North-Eastern India
11. Prospects and Constriants of Agricultural Marketing in Nagaland
12. Constraints of Agricltural Marketing - with Reference to Nagaland
13. Transformation of Agricultural Marketing - Future Challenges
14. Prospects of Agricultural Marketing for Strengthing the Base of Rural Development in North-East Region of India
15. Agricultural Development and Marketing Impediments in North-East Region of India
16. Agricultural Produce Markeing and Development Strategy Issuse with special Reference to North-East
17. Agricultural Marketing Scenario in Manipur
Section - II (Promoting Domestic & Export Marketing of Horticultural Products: Status, Potential & Strategies)
18. Marketing Vegetable in Vaishali District of Bihar
19. Economics Study on Production and marketing of Hybrid Tomato in Ghazipur District of U.P.
20. Economics Study Marketing of Mango: A Case Study of Malihabad Lucknow
21. Marketing of Apple in Kashmir Valley
22. An Ananalytical Study of the Production Potential & Price Spread of Walnut under Different Marketing Channels in J & K
23. Tea Marketing is no More a Fashionable Slogan in India
24. Tea-Strategies for Survival and Success: A Case for North-East India
25. Marketing Scenerio of Saffron in J & K
26. An Analytical Study of Price Sprice Spread of Apple under Different Marketing Channels in J & K
27. Production, Processing and Marketing of Horticulural Produce in Uttar Pradesh
28. Systems of Litchi marketing in Muzaffarpur District- A Micro Analysis
29. An Economic Analysis of Banana Cultion and its Marketing in Vaishali District of Bihar
30. Economics of Papaya Culivation in Respect of Plant Nutrient management under Foot Hills
31. A Study on Economic of Saffron (Kesar) Cultivation in J & K
Section - III (Marketing of Animal, Organic & Value Added Agricultural Products)
32. Price Spread and Constraints in Egg Industry of Agra District in Uttar Pradesh
33. Innovations in Fisheries Sector
34. Importance of Organic Farming and Bio-Fertilizer
35. Dairy Industry in the 21st Century - Opportunities and Challenges
36. Temporal Changes in Land Use and Cropping Pattern in J & K
37. An Economic Appraisal of Production and Marketing of Honey in Baramulla District of J & K
38. An Analytical Study of Marketing of Milk and Price-Spread in Agra Region (U.P.)
39. Water Marketing in Bihar: A Micro Level Study
40. Production and Marketing of Fish in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
41. Mushroom Marketing in North-East India: Problems and Prospects
42. Marketing of Milk: A Study in Muthura District of Uttar Pradesh
43. A Study of the Marketing of Organically Produced Agricultural Produce in India
44. Paradigms of Marketing of Mustard and Paddy Crops A Case Study of Doda District of J & K
45. Prospects of Agricultural Export Zones in India-At a Glance
46. Economics of Organic Ginger Cultivation in Peren District of Nagaland
47. Economics of Rearing Mulberry Silkwrom
48. Production and Marketing of Groundnut in Rajasthan-A Case Study
49. An Economic analysis of Marketing of Maize in Assam
50. Assessment of comparative economic efficacy of proposed cropping system over jhuming under watershed development project in Peren district of Nagaland.
51. Marketing of Pineapple in Dimapur