Contents: Preface, Acknowledgement, Introduction, Methods Adopted in the Present, Study, Abbreviation Used, Part 1 A Survey of pollen morphology and systematic relationship of sabiaceae (s.l.) with reference to plant geography, Scope of the present Investigation, Review of Literature- palynology, taxonomy, Phytogeography, fossil records, Materials, Morphological Characters of the Genera Studied Observation and Discussion, Other Branches of Botany in Better Understanding of the Relationship of the family, Correlation of Pollen Characters with Taxonomical and other Evidences and Conclusion, Part II Pollen Morphology of Connaraceae in Relation to Taxonomy Scope of the Present Study, Review of Literature, Phytogeographical Notes and Fossil Records, Materials, Morphological Characters of the General Materials , Morphological Characters of the Genera Studied Observation and Discussion, Different Disciplines of Botany in Better Understanding of the Classification and Relationship of the Family, Affinities of Connaraceae With Other Families of Angiosperms on Pollen Characters, Correlation of Pollen Characters With Taxonomical and other Evidences and Conclusion, Plates, References, Glossaries of Pollen Morphological Terms Used, Author Index, Index of Taxa.