Contents: Introduction- Growth of palynology with special reference to pollen morphology pollen morphology of compositae- A review of literature scope of the present investigation, Material and Methods- material, technique of pollen preparation, pollen description and terminology, measurements, taxonomic arrangement and presentation of data, illustrations and photographs, abbreviations used, glossary of terms, Pollen Morphology of Tribe Vernonieae- introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Pollen Morphology of Tribe Eupatorieae- introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Pollen Morphology of Tribe Astereae- introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Pollen Morphology of tribe Cynareae- introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Pollen Morphology of Tribe Mutisieae- introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Pollen Morphology of Tribe Cichorieae- Introduction, pollen descriptions, discussion, Chapter-Nine General Discussion- significance of pollen morphology, pollen morphology of compositae- an analysis, pollen morphology and texonomy of compositae, phylogenetic and evolutionary considerations, References, Plates of Microphotographs, Index.