Contents: Editor's Note, Preface, Acknowledgements, Chapter 1 General Introduction- General concept, Aim and scope of investigation, Chapter 2 Historical Review, Chapter 3.Material and Methods- Material, Methods, Chapter 4 Pollen Studies in abelmoschus Esculentus (Moench)- Anther and pollen wall development, pollen morphology, pollen production, pollen germination, discussion, Chapter 5. Pollen studies in Althaea Rosea (Linn.)- pollen morphology, pollen production, pollen germination, discussion, Chapter 6. Pollen Studies in Gossypium Hirsutum (Linn.)- Cultivars investigated, Selection of flowers, Anther sterility, pollen morphology, pollen production, pollen germination, discussion, Chapter 7 Pollen Morphology in Relation to Floral Abnormalities of Hibiscus Species (Hybrid)- General pollen morphology, discussion, Chapter 8. General Discussion- Pollen morphology, pollen germination, pollen production, References, Plates & Figures (With description)