Contents: Obitury-Professor Gunnar Erdtman, 1. Contemporary thought in pollen morphology- P.K.K. Nair, 2. Spermatophytes and pre-spermatophytes, ovules and preovules, pollen and prepollen-a comparison of pollen and seed evolution- F.P. Jonker, 3. Palynology of Sewaliks- A.K. Ghose, 4. The grape pollen-Morphology and physiology- G.S. Randhawa & C.P.A. Iyer, 5. Enzymes in pollen development and pollen tube growth- C.P. Malik, 6. Physiology of pollen: pollen enzymes and isoenzymes- C.P. Malik, M.B. Singh, Subash Gupta & Renuka Sood, 7. Palynological highlights of cucurbitaceae- K.R. Ayyangar, 8. Pollination in the service of increaqsing farm production in India- G.B. Deodikar & M.C. suryanarayana, 9. Heterocysts of blue green algae- G.S. Venkataraman, 10. Contribution of spore morphology in the taxonomy of some taxa of ferns- S.S. Bir, 11. Pollen viability, storage, and Germination- B.M. Johri, D.C. Sastri, & S.K.R. Shivanna, Index.