Contents: Palynology as a science and its status in the U.S.S.R.- M. Neustadt, 2. Some aspects of pollen physiology- V.R. Dnyansagar, 3. Primitive angiosperms- A preliminary assessment- P.K.K. Nair, 4. On the evolutionary levels in the morphology of pollen and spores- L.A. Kuprianova, 5. Reflections on pollen evolution- F.P. Jonker, 6. Quaternary pollen analysis- Past, Present and Future- K. Faegri, 7. Palynological results and their bearing on the theory of continental displacement- S.I. Saad, 8. Fungal spores- Their role in respiratory allergy- M.K. Agarwal & D.N. Shivpuri, Report Contributions from the palynology lab., at the National Botanic Gardens, Lucknow- A self assessment- P.K.K. Nair & (Mrs.) M. Chaturvedi