
A Plant Virus that become Friendly

By: S.K. Ghosh
₹ 1,976.00 ₹ 2,195.00

ISBN: 81-7019-535-3,9788170195351
Year: 2016
Binding: Hardbound

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� Introduction � Rice necrosis mosaic virus(RNMV) and its bio-physical characterization� RNMV- Host-dependent reaction reversibility� Existence of virus in inoculated fibre crop plants� RNMV � fibre plant interaction and metabolic changes � Agronomic and Economic Package for Energized Jute Eultivation : On- and Off-farm practices under different agro-ecologies � RNMV-interaction with other crops and changes in biochemical properties � Executive summary � Conclusion � Strategic steps in need � Literature cited � Abbreviations � Subject index