(i) Foreword
(ii) Preface
(iii) About the authors
(iv) List of tables
(v) List of photos/figures
(vi) Acronyms
(vii) List of charts
(viii) List of appendices
1 Introduction
1.1 Biology
1.2 History of botany in India
1.3 Status of botany in recent India
1.4 Contributors of Indian botany
1.5 Scope of botany
1.6 Importance of plants in agriculture
1.7 Uses of plants
2 Evolution
2.1 Definition
2.2 Origin of life
2.3 Organic evolution
2.3.1 Evidences of organic evolution
2.3.2 Mechanism of organic evolution
2.4 Theories of organic evolution
2.4.1 Lamark’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters
2.4.2 Darwin’s theory of natural selection
2.4.3 De Vries theory of mutation
2.4.4 Molecular driven evolution
3 Plant diversity
Detailed description
4 Classification of plants
4.1 General
4.2 Division of Plant Kingdom
4.2.1 Cryptogams Thallophyta Bryophyta Bacteria Viruses Fungi Lichens Mosses Liverworts Vascular cryptogames Ferns
5 Classification of higher plants
5.1 Taxonomy
5.2 Units of classification
5.2.1 Species
5.2.2 Genus
5.2.3 Binomial nomenclature
5.2.4 Family
5.3 Systems of classification
5.3.1 Bentham and Hookers’ system of classification Dicotyledons Monocotyledons
5.4 Distinction between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants
5.5 Important families of higher plants
5.6 Taxonomical description of important plants
5.6.1 Taxonomical description of brinjal
5.6.2 Taxonomical description of bottle gourd
5.6.3 Taxonomical description of radish
5.6.4 Taxonomical description of okra
5.6.5 Taxonomical description of pea
5.6.6 Taxonomical description of wheat
6 Diversity of plant life
6 General
6.1 Habitat
6.2 Plant habit
6.3 Duration of life
6.3.1 Annuals
6.3.2 Biennials
6.3.3 Perennials
6.4 Climbers
6.5 Autophytes
6.6 Heterophytes
6.7 Parasites
6.8 Saprophytes
6.9 Epiphytes
6.10 Symbionts
6.11 Carnivorous Plants
7 Seed morphology
7.1 Dicot seeds
7.1.1 Seed coat
7.1.2 Embryo
7.2 Monocot seeds
7.2.1 Seed coat
7.2.2 Endosperm
7.2.3 Embryo
8 Germination
8.1 Epigeal germination
8.2 Hypogeal germination
8.3 Category of seeds and types of germination
8.4 Conditions essential for germination
9 Root
9.1 Functions of root
9.2 Regions of root
9.3 Distinction between roots and stems
9.4 Kinds of roots
9.4.1 Normal roots
9.4.2 Adventitious roots
9.5 Modifications of roots
9.5.1 Modifications of tap root
9.5.2 Modifications of root branch
9.5.3 Modifications of adventitious roots For storage of food For mechanical support
10 Stem
10.1 Nodes and internodes
10.2 Bud
10.3 Kinds of buds
10.4 Modifications of buds
10.5 Forms of stem
10.5.1 Erect or strong stem
10.5.2 Weak stem
10.6 Modifications of stem
10.6.1 Underground modifications of stem
10.6.2 Sub-aerial modifications of stem
10.6.3 Aerial modifications of stem
10.7 Branching
10.7.1 Racemose type of branching
10.7.2 Cymose type of branching
10.7.3 Dichotomous branching
10.8 Functions of stem
11 Leaf
11.1 Parts of leaf
11.2 Duration of leaf
11.3 Stipules
11.4 Leaf blade characteristics
11.4.1 Leaf apex93
11.4.2 Leaf margin
11.4.3 Leaf surface
11.4.4 Leaf shape
11.4.5 Leaf incision
11.5 Venation
11.5.1 Reticulate venation
11.5.2 Parallel venation
11.5.3 Palmate venation
11.6 Simple and compound leaves
11.6.1 Difference between compound leaf and branch
11.7 Modifications of leaves
11.7.1 Leaf tendrils
11.7.2 Leaf spines
11.7.3 Scaly leaves
11.7.4 Phyllode
11.7.5 Pitcher
11.7.6 Bladder
11.8 Functions of veins
11.9 Phyllotaxy
11.9.1 Alternate or spiral distichous or1/2 phyllotaxy
11.9.2 1/3 or tristichous phyllotaxy
11.9.3 2/5 or Pentastichous phyllotaxy
11.9.4 Opposite phyllotaxy
11.9.5 Whorl
11.10 Functions of leaves
12 Inflorescence
12.1 Racemose inflorescence
12.1.1 With main axis elongated
12.1.2 With main axis shortened
12.1.3 With main axis flattened
12.2 Cymose inflorescence
12.3 Special type of inflorescence
13 Flower
13.1 Parts of flower
13.2 Position of gynoecium and other floral parts on thalamus
13.3 Bracts
13.4 Bracteole
13.5 Calyx
13.6 Corolla
13.6.1 Forms of corolla
13.6.2 Aestivation of corolla
13.7 Androecium
13.7.1 Stamens
13.7.2 Cohesion of stamens
13.7.3 Adhesion of stamens
13.7.4 Length of stamens
13.7.5 Filament Attachment of the filament to the anther
13.7.6 Anther
13.7.7 Pollen grains
13.8 Gynoecium
13.8.1 Carpels in syncarpous pistil
13.8.2 Parts of ovary
13.8.3 Style
13.8.4 Stigma
13.9 Categories of flowers
13.10 Symmetry of the flowers
13.11 Facts to prove that flower is a modified stem
13.12 Placentation
13.12.1 Types of placentation
14 Ovule
14.1 Structure
14.2 Parts of embryo sac
14.3 Forms of ovule
15 Pollination
15.1 Self-pollination or autogamy
15.2 Cross-pollination or allogamy
15.2.1 Contrivances for cross pollination
16 Fertilization
Detailed process of fertilization
17 Seed
17.1 Development of embryo
17.2 Development of endosperm
17.3 Other changes in the ovule
17.4 Functions of seed
18 Fruit
18.1 Classification of fruits
18.1.1 Simple fruit
18.1.2 Schizocarpic fruits
18.1.3 Fleshy fruits
18.1.4 Aggregate fruits
18.1.5 Multiple or composite fruits
18.1.6 Category of fruits
18.1.7 Dispersal of seeds and fruits
19 Cytology
19.1 Definition and historical background
19.2 Cell structure
19.2.1 Cell contents
19.3 Cell shape
19.4 Cell size
19.5 Cell number
19.6 Plastids
19.7 Other cytoplasmic cell bodies
19.8 Non- living cell contents
19.9 Cell cycle
19.10 Mitosis
19.11 Meiosis
19.11.1 Process of meiosis
19.11.2 Significance of meiosis
19.11.3 Difference between mitosis and meiosis
19.12 Amitosis
19.13 Free cell formation
19.14 Budding
19.15 Chromosomal aberrations
19.15.1 Chromosomal deficiency
19.16 Variation in chromosome number
19.17 Classification of ploidy
19.17.1 Euploidy
19.17.2 Aneuploidy
19.17.3 Polyploidy
19.17.4 Difference between auto and allopolyploid
20 Genetics: a young branch of botany
20.1 Definition
20.2 Single factor cross
20.3 Mendelian ratio
20.4 Homozygote and heterozygote
20.5 Phenotype and genotype
20.6 Mendel’s laws of inheritance
20.6.1 Law of unit characters
20.6.2 Law of dominance
20.6.3 Law of segregation or law of independent assortment
20.6.4 Mathematical method for genetic problem
20.7 Gene interaction
20.7.1 Epistasis
21 Anatomy
21.1 Tissue
21.1.1 Meristematic tissues
21.1.2 Permanent tissues
21.1.3 Secretary tissues
21.2 Tissue system
21.2.1 Epidermal tissue system
21.2.2 Ground or fundamental tissue system
21.2.3 Vascular tissue system
21.2.4 Types of vascular bundles
21.2.5 Anatomy of stem Dicotyledonous stem Monocotyledonous stem
21.2.6 Anatomical differences between dicot and monocot stems
21.2.7 Anatomy of roots Dicotyledonous roots Monocotylednous roots
21.2.8 Anatomical difference between dicot and monocot roots
21.3 Origin of lateral roots
21.4 Anatomy of leaves
21.4.1 Anatomy of dorsiventral leaf
21.4.2 Anatomy of isobilateral leaf
21.5 Secondary growth
21.5.1 Scondary growth in dicot stem
21.5.2 Scondary growth in dicot root
22 Plant ecology
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Definition
22.3 Biome
22.4 Importance of plants and animals
22.5 Divisions of plant ecology
22.5.1 Autecology
22.5.2 Synecology
22.5.3 Plant sociology or phytosociology
22.5.4 Resource ecology
22.6 Environment
22.6.1 Climatic components
22.6.2 Edaphic components
22.6.3 Biotic components
22.6.4 Abiotic components
22.7 Ecological groups
22.7.1 Hydrophytes Classification of hydrophytes
22.7.2 Ecological adaptation in hydrophytes
22.7.3 Mesophytes Adaptation of mesophytes
22.7.4 Xerophytes
23 Seed technology
23.1 Definition
23.2 Relationship of seed technology with other sciences
23.3 Goal of seed technology
23.4 Fruit
23.4.1 Fruit wall
23.5 Categories of fruits
23.5.1 Simple fruits
23.5.2 Multiple fruits
23.5.3 Aggregate fruits
23.6 Seed formation
23.6.1 Formation of megaspore
23.6.2 Pollen germination
23.6.3 Double fertilization
23.6.4 Triple fusion
23.6.5 Seed development
23.7 Categories of seeds
23.7.1 Basic seed
23.7.2 Test stock seed
23.7.3 Nucleus seed
23.7.4 Breeder seed
23.7.5 Foundation stage I seed
23.7.6 Foundation stage II seed
23.7.7 Certified seed
23.7.8 Truthfully labeled (TL) seed
23.7.9 Seed tag colour
23.8 Kinds of seeds
23.8.1 Classification of seeds based on mode of reproduction
23.8.2 Classification of seeds based on moisture content
23.8.3 Agricultural seeds
23.8.4 Difference between scientifically produced seeds and grains used as seed
23.8.5 Maintenance of purity in the seeds
23.9 Seed certification
23.9.1 Procedure of certification Field inspection Seed inspection Seed testing Procedure of sampling Germination Seed vigour tests Seed moisture testing Seed health test
23.10 Seed production in India
23.10.1 National Seeds Corporation (NSC)
23.10.2 State Seeds Corporations
23.10.3 National Seeds Programme
24 Biotechnology, an aid in botanical studies
24.1 Definition
24.2 Somaclonal hybridization
24.3 Gene transfer
24.3.1 Tumour introducing (Ti) and root introducing (Ri) plasmid
24.3.2 Plant viruses
24.3.3 Electroporation
24.3.4 Direct DNA uptake
24.3.5 Particle gun
24.4 Uses of technique of transfer of genes
24.5 Molecular markers and marker assisted selections
24.6 Botanical and biotechnological tools for plant improvement
25 Plant physiology in agriculture
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Mineral nutrition
25.3 Primary requirements of substances by plants
25.4 Major requirement of substanes
25.5 Role of elements in the development of plant body
25.6 Absorption of water
25.6.1 Mechanism of absorption of water
25.7 Ascent of sap
25.8 Transpiration
25.8.1 Loss of water
25.8.2 Significance of transpiration
25.8.3 Mechanism of transpiration
25.8.4 Kinds of transpiration
25.8.5 Mechanism of opening and closing of stomata
25.8.6 Factors affecting the rate of transpiration
25.9 Photosynthesis
25.9.1 Definition
25.9.2 Mechanism of photosynthesis Light reaction Dark reaction
25.9.3 Synthesis of starch
25.9.4 Factors affecting photosynthesis
25.10 Respiration
25.10.1 Definition
25.10.2 Significance of respiration
25.10.3 Types of respiration
25.10.4 Mechanism of respiration
25.10.5 Efficiency of respiration
25.10.6 Respiratory quotient
25.10.7 Factors affecting rate of respiration
26 Economic botany
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Economic plants
26.2.1 Food
26.2.2 Pulses
26.2.3 Oil seeds
26.2.4 Beverages
26.2.5 Vegetables
26.2.6 Fibres
26.2.7 Spices and condiments
26.2.8 Gum, mucilage and glue
26.2.9 Paper and wood pulp
26.2.10 Plant products used as insecticides, insect, repellants and weedicides
26.2.11 Plants, the source of aromatic and essential oils
26.2.12 Plant species used as timber
26.2.13 Dye and tan
26.2.14 Plants used as soures of fertilizers
26.2.15 Plants as source of cementing material
27 Appendices
28 Glossary
29 References