About The Book
Historical Development - Utilisation of night-soil in China and India, Discovery of Scientific principles involved in composting & Compost work in India
Cardinal Points in Composting
Methods of Composting- Aerobic mode of composting, Fowler's Process, Indore Process, Anstead's Process, Becari Process, Rain. water composting, Sheet composting, Anaerobic mode of composting, The Coimbatore method of composting, Critical study of the various methods of Composting evolved up to1938, The 'Edelmist' or 'the hot fermentation process or 'Aerobic followed by an aerobic' method of composting Development of hot-fermentation process in India, The Bangalou method of composting Covering trenches with earth, Control of fly-breeding in compost heaps and trenches, Composting in overground heaps, Merits and demerits of the Bangalore method of composting, of the hot fermentation process of composting Merits, Demerits & Poudrette method vs. hot fermentation process for the disposal of night-soil.
Recent Developments in Night Soil Compost and Compost from Farm Wastes and Allied Materials- Recent developments in night-soil compost, Efficacy of different st rters used in composting, Compost from farm wastes, Kraal method of composting, The Bangalore method of composting, Compost from sugar factory wastes ,Composting of sea-weeds & Composting of green manures
Phosphated Compost and Utilisation of Urine and Other Organic Wastes - Utilisation of human and cattle urine and otherorganic wastes
Judging the Quality of Compost - Measuring the extent of humification in compost heaps, The course of decomposition of compost in soil, Effect of compost on crops, Night-soil compost & Farm waste compost
Lay out of Compost Depot and Mechanisation - Layout of depot for pits, Layout of depot using stacks & Mechanisation of composting
Essentiality of Composting and Future Line of Workin Compost
Sewage Utlisation, in Agriculture - Prevention of Deleterious bacterial changes, Prevention of Incidence of pathogens, Swage Sickness, Effect of Sewage and Sludge on Crops & Availability of nitrogen of sewage sludge
Farmyard Manure and Its Effective Conservation- Animal excreta, Mode of collection of dung in India, Losses of nutrients in cattle manure during storage, Reducing losses of manurial ingredients in cattle manure & Quantity of manure produced
Green Manures - Technique of green manuring, Soil and climate , Sowing time, Ploughing-in of the crop, Decomposition of green manures, Harrison and lyer's experiment , Beneficial effects of green manuring, Addition of plant nufrients, Soil structure and moisture-holding capacity, Reclamation of problem soils, For clayey soil,For clacareous sandy soils, For loamy soil , Effect of different green manures on crops, Pillipesara (Phaseolus trilobus), Sunhemp (Crotalaria juncea), Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum), Phaseolus Sp, Melilotus (Sweet clover), Vigna, Lathyrus, Desmodium, Cyamopsis psoraloides (Ouar), Aeschymone (Joint vetch),Nitrogen fixation by legumes and non-legumes, Non-symbolic nitrogen fixing bacteria, Azotobacter, Beijerincka, Clostridium, Bacillus Polymyxa, Mechanism of nitrogen-fixation, Supply of bacterial cultures, Preparation of bacterial culture for sale to farmers, Method of seed treatment, Factors affecting the success of applied inoculum & Nitrogen fixation by Blue-green algae
Decomposition of Organic Matter and Formation of Humus - Aerobic decomposition, Anaerobic decomposition & Conditions required for satisfactory decomposition.
Oil Cakes and other Organic Manures - Nitrogen Content of Oil Cakes, Bones and Bonemeal, Fish manure, Blood meal, Meat meal, Horn and Hoof meal, Guano & Press mud