
Recent Trends & Contacts between Cytogenetics Embryology & Morphology

By: V.R. Dnyansagar
₹ 2,696.00 ₹ 2,995.00

ISBN: 81-7019-074-6
Year: 1978
Binding: Hardbound

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Contents: Preface,Welcome speech,Inaugural speech,Effect of sodium azide on mutations induced in barley seeds treated with ethyl methanesulphonate,Meiosis in an allotetraploid aloe,Effect of Gamma rays on allium sativum linn, A review of cytogenetic effects of ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens on sorghum,Chromosomes of algae,Morphological studies in swertia paniculata wall,Life history of hunteria zeylanica gard ex thw.Embryology of Eupatorium adoratum linn, Apospory and its origin in caltha palustris linn,Role of cell division in embryology,Some interesting developmental patterns in the algae,Taxonomic status of cyperaceae on embryological grounds,Flora of khargone,Madhya Pradesh,Observations on the flora of Bilaspur,Fruits and seeds in palms,The floral anatomy of some gesneriaceae, Studies on meloidogyne incognita incited reaction xylem in the root of capsicum annuum l,Growth of marine algae under culture conditions,From embryo to seedling-a morphogenetic study,On riella montagne from India,Cytomorphological studies of some Indian rust fungi,Taxonomic and ecological studies in forest with some new plant records,Fossil aerial absorptive root and the role of velamen,Review of papers presented on morphology and multidisciplinary topics.