
Citrus Diversity in India

By: A.A. Murkte, A. Thiruganavel, J. Prasanth Tej Kumar, R. K. Sonkar, Subhra Saikat Roy and Dillip Ghosh
₹ 2,335.50 ₹ 2,595.00

ISBN: 9789391734930
Year: 2023
Binding: Hardbound
Language: English
Total Pages: 164

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Citrus is an Important fruit crop in India, and there is rich genetic diversity in citrus grown in the country. Different regions of India  cultivate citrus fruits, and earh region has its own unique varieties and coultivars. Numerous citurs species cultivated in India are rare of threatened with extinction, necessitating conservation efforts to prevent their extinction. In recent years, India has placed a greater emphasis on conserving and utilizing the genetic diversity of citrus. There have been efforts to collect and conserve the genetic resources of citurs as well as to breed new varieties. Eleven distinct parts make up the Book, each of which foruses on a different facet of citrus diversity. the authors tried to provide insigtful information on the various citrus species grown in India, including their origin, distribution, taxonomy, botany, classification, conservation and characteristics of important citrus species and varieties. The book also contains chapters on the current status of citrus. production, the nutritional value and functional food potential of different citurs fruits, and citrus genetic resource conservation. It is anticipated that researchers, breeders, academics, and citurs growers will find this book useful. The Publication can also be used as an instructional resoruce for the students, teachers, and the public. It will aid in increasing understanding of the citrus diversity in India, as well as their agronomic, economic, and ecological significance.