ISBN: 9789391734305
Year: 2022
Binding: Hardbound
Language: English
Total Pages: 310
The Department of Media and Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, organized an ICSSR-sponsored two-day National Seminar on Atmanirbhar Bharat and Media: On the Road to Success on 28th and 29th April 2022. The seminar received overwhelming responses from academicians, research scholars and media professionals across the country. The Vice-chancellor, Prof. Dr. Krishnan, and Prof. Dr. Sulochana Shekhar, the Register (i/c), were the chief patron the patron for the seminar respectively. The department of Media and Communication is indebted to them for their words of motivation, advice and support to organize the seminar.
Prof. T V. Kattimani, Hon'ble Vice-chancellor Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh, Vizianagaram, who was invited as the Special Guest, joined online to highlight the significance of the Atmanirbhar Bharat to overcome the economic downfall in the post-pandemic situation. He also emphasized the role the marginalized sections of the society in the country's economic development since India's independence.
Prof. KG Suresh, hon'ble vice-chancellor of Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Avam Sanchar Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, highlighted the role of the media professionals and media students to develop awareness among the people on the importance of self-reliance India.
Prof. Manukonda Rabindranath, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Prof. Sapna Naik, Mysore University, Dr. Durgesh Tripathi of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi and Dr. Ramesh Kumar of VIPS, New Delhi, made the seminar eventful with their thoughtful insights at the seminar.
The objective of the seminar to offer a common platform for the stakeholders to discuss and deliberate on the key concepts, ideas, and points of view on the roles and responsibilities of media towards the success of Atmanirbhar Bharat seems fruitful as a total of more than 60 abstracts from across the country were received during the pandemic-stricken situation. The delegates from Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Pondicherry participated and presented their scholarly works in the seminar. Selected papers from the seminar have been included in this book. The broad ideas and findings of the selected papers included in the book has been summarised below.
The paper titled Arogya Setu App in Effective Healthcare Management towards Atmanirbhar Bharat: An analysis c patterns among women students in Chennai City by Ms Sharmila Christy on usage S and Dr. Radha Bathran attempts to understand the effectiveness of the Arogya Setu App in the healthcare system, information dissemination among its users, and its usability.
In the paper titled Vocal_for_Local advertisement campaigns: Exploring the participation and promotion by Indian FMCG brands by Ms K.L. Nandhini Priya, Dr. P. Uma Maheswari, Mr S. Amudhaanandheswaran studies the participation and promotion by India Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in the light of Vocal for Local campaign. The study explores the participation patterns of the companies on their official social media platforms. 20 FMCGs were selected and categorized into two based on their years of establishment as '20th century established companies' and '21st established companies'. The participation patterns were analyzed by Quantitative content analysis, and the strategies for promoting the campaign were evaluated by Qualitative content analysis.
Dr. Divyani Redhu's paper-Analyzing the Potential of Digital Media Platforms for a Self-Reliant India aims to study the role of digital media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn to promote and propagate the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan. Dr. Redhu did a quantitative study on 200 students between the age group of 18-24 years based in Delhi to gather information about the digital media platforms by the respondents and analyse the availability of information on Atmanirbhar Bharat or Self-Reliant India.
The paper titled Negotiating Inequality and Chasing Empowerment: Studying Themes of Oppression, Empowerment, and Self-Reliance in Contemporary Female-Centric Indian Films by Dr. Tahzeeb Fatma makes a significant attempt through thematic study to explore the concept of modern-day challenges that women face and the role they can play in Atmanirbhar Bharat.
During the pandemic, the government of India adopted many measures to ensure uninterrupted education to be received by the students. In the article E-learning: an approach headed towards making Atmanirbhar Bharat, researchers Mr Komal Sahu and Dr. Akhandanand Shukla studied the different e-learning portals and the programmes of PM E-Vidya and discussed the ways to improve the efficacy of these e-learning initiatives.
The paper titled MOOCs and Media Education in India: A Step Towards Self-Reliance by Shardha Suman and Dr. Neha Pandey comes with a conceptual framework of the development of MOOCs and its need- based implication. The study observes the recent trend of media education. focusing on the potential of MOOCs for self-reliant learning benefits.
The paper titled Social media, Small businesses & Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Study, authored by Mr Shashank Kumar Dwivedi and Ms Subhi Vishwakarma, studies the effect of social media platforms on small-scale businesses. The content analysis has been adopted for the study.
Information and knowledge are essential empowering tools for nation-building. Libraries are the major contributors to knowledge. The paper titled Role of Libraries in Self-Reliant India by Mr Praveen Kumar and Dr. Akhandanand Shukla explores how libraries and library networks in India can contribute to a self-reliant India's overall development.
While presenting a systematic literature review between 2012 and 2021 in the paper titled Conceptualization and operationalization of social empowerment of women through social media: A systematic review of literature, the researchers Ms Binish Parveen and Dr. Nikhil Kumar Gouda present a conceptual model with a framework that measures the empowerment of women in the social media domain. The study points out the variables such as impact competence, critical awareness, social networking and civic engagement that ensure empowerment using social media.
In an attempt to understand the trend of the usage of Instagram by women, the researchers Ms Debjani Chakraborty and Dr. Chhavi Garg conducted interviews of 15 Instagram Business Accounts run by women from India during COVID-19. The study titled Online Entrepreneurs: A netnographic study of Indian women using Instagram for small businesses during COVID-19 identifies the patterns in the form of practices after analysing the collected data.
In the paper titled Youngsters and their reliance on social media for subjective well-being and mental health a review by Ms Rijitha. R and Dr. Nikhil Kumar Gouda discusses the good and bad impacts of social media on young people by reviewing 17 studies related to the conditions of mental health and subjective well-being. The study finds the effect on the self-esteem of youngsters by social media usage. It indicates that addiction to social networking sites is an associated factor for depression and weak and inconsistent mental health.
Dr. Chetna Bhatia and Dr. Ramesh Kumar Sharma's paper titled Use of Social Media Sites by Teenagers during COVID-19 Second Wave: A Survey of Undergraduate Students of Media Studies in Delhi attempts to explore the information seeking and sharing behaviour of gradu media students in Delhi employing survey method. They found that the budding media professionals are highly information literate and skilled at digging the right information even in the state of a mass panic. They conclude that the young media students are promising journalists of future who can guide the nation to the right path of development in future.
In this paper titled "Atmanirbhar". Women Entrepreneurs of Madurai using social media, the researchers Abishieke R, Akil Sukumar and Dr. Shourini Banerjee explored the role of social media in the success of small-scale businesses based in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. The research surveyed the women entrepreneurs based in Madurai through snowball sampling method to understand the role social media played for women entrepreneurs and their challenges.
Preetilata Kumari's paper on Role of social media in creating a self-sustaining domain for wedding photographers: A study from the city of Guwahati tries to throw some light on the diverse role social media plays in creating a self-sustaining domain for wedding photographers from a state of India's northeast (Assam) and most precisely the city of Guwahati. She also tries to contextualize the contribution in this era of a global pandemic and the benefits of the digital world in the context of wedding photographers.
Mr Anilkumar ER and Dr. Sudheer S Salam in their paper titled The scope and possibilities of envisioning an Indian chapter of indigenous visual media tries to introspect indigenous visual media. The researchers used a qualitative method with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to collect common opinions. The study's practical implications are leaning towards realistic discussions and applications for setting up indigenous visual media.
The paper titled A study on the link between freedom of press and development by Maria Sunil Mannanal and Dr. N Rajagopal studies the role of the press in connection with its freedom and the indicators of development. The study considers human development and economic growth as two main development indicators. The research finds that the free press is an important institution and calls for greater freedom of the press to promote development.
In their paper titled Health Communication and Public Engagement on Social Media: Analysis of the Facebook Page of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Dr. Manash P. Goswami, Anjali R., and Hashim H. Puthiyakath empirically analysed the public engagement with Facebook posts of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India over a span of 9 months during the COVID 19 second wave and vaccination period. Their study indicated that the level of engagement varies over time depending on the severity of the crisis. In addition, they also found that particular types of posts are more likely to get higher engagement.
Dr. Ancela Tahilramani's paper titled Analyzing the Depiction of the Queer Community in the Films in the Post-independent Era talks about the myth busters and stigmas such as homophobia associated with the LGBTQIA community depicted in the post-independent Indian cinema. Through content analysis, this paper tries to understand the role of the queer community and its stereotypical representation in post-independent Indian cinema.
Ms Uthara B and Dr. Pranjal Garg's paper titled Role of media in public archaeology in the context of Pattanam excavations attempts to understand the different strands of media in disseminating information about the site and its controversies. The paper looks at the relationship between media and public archaeology in the context of present issues. They further examine media's contribution to the development of the archaeological site of Pattanam and assess its impact on the public and heritage.
In the paper titled बॉलीवुड मे देशभक्ति विषय पर बनी फिल्म एक अध्ययन authored by Dr. Atul Upadhyaya, VIPS, New Delhi, gives a vivid description and in-depth analysis of the Bollywood films made on the theme of patriotism.
I would also like to thank the Head of the Department, Prof. G Ravindran, for his constant support and motivation to organize the seminar. I appreciate the efforts of my colleague and co-convener Dr. Radha B for her continuous support in planning and organizing the seminar. I sincerely thank my colleagues Dr. Francis P Barclay, Dr. Nikhil Kumar Gouda, Dr. Shamla R and Dr. N. Boobalakrishnan and office staff Mr. Rajesh Kumar for their contributions to the seminar. The students of the department deserve a round of applause for their dedicated services and participation in the seminar.
Last but not the least, I would like to extend my love and appreciation to my research scholars Mr Hashim Hamza Puthiyakath, Ms Shiny Angel and Mr Ram Kumar Dhar, for their untiring efforts to help organise the seminar and bringing out this book.
Abishieke R
Abishicke R is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Visual Communication, The American College, Madurai. He is an avid sports person and takes interest in Football, Cricket, and Badminton. He has presented 2 research papers at National Conferences and has 1 chapter published in a book to his credit. He aspires to pursue a career in the field of cinema; media houses and wants to be an academician in the near future.
Akhandanand Shukla
Dr. Akhandanand Shukla is working as Associate Professor & Head of the Department of Library & Information Science, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in different positions at different organizations. He has more than 85 papers to his credit published in the form of journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He has attended/participated number of national/international level conferences/seminars/workshops. He has supervised numbers of PhD and M Phil scholars.
Akil Sukumar
Akil Sukumar is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Visual Communication, The American College, Madurai. He has work experience in the Marketing, Information Technology, and Virtual Reality sectors in the corporate world. He has presented one research paper at a national conference besides having one paper published in an international journal and 3 chapters in a book to his credit.
Atul Upadhyay
Dr Atul Upadhyay, Assistant Professor at VIPS, New Delhi, is an enthusiastic researcher who possesses a strong flair for design and creativity. He completed his doctorate in 2018. He has been teaching journalism and mass communication related subjects to diverse groups of students for more than twelve years and has demonstrated the ability to handle difficult situations by using an extensive body of knowledge to maximize student potential. In addition to presenting papers at 13 conferences, publishing a paper in a reputed journal, and publishing four papers in conference proceedings, he has also published three book chapters.
Abishieke R
Abishicke R is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Visual Communication, The American College, Madurai. He is an avid sports person and takes interest in Football, Cricket, and Badminton. He has presented 2 research papers at National Conferences and has 1 chapter published in a book to his credit. He aspires to pursue a career in the field of cinema; media houses and wants to be an academician in the near future.
Akhandanand Shukla
Dr. Akhandanand Shukla is working as Associate Professor & Head of the Department of Library & Information Science, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in different positions at different organizations. He has more than 85 papers to his credit published in the form of journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He has attended/participated number of national/international level conferences/seminars/workshops. He has supervised numbers of PhD and M Phil scholars.
Akil Sukumar
Akil Sukumar is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Visual Communication, The American College, Madurai. He has work experience in the Marketing, Information Technology, and Virtual Reality sectors in the corporate world. He has presented one research paper at a national conference besides having one paper published in an international journal and 3 chapters in a book to his credit.
Atul Upadhyay
Dr Atul Upadhyay, Assistant Professor at VIPS, New Delhi, is an enthusiastic researcher who possesses a strong flair for design and creativity. He completed his doctorate in 2018. He has been teaching journalism and mass communication related subjects to diverse groups of students for more than twelve years and has demonstrated the ability to handle difficult situations by using an extensive body of knowledge to maximize student potential. In addition to presenting papers at 13 conferences, publishing a paper in a reputed journal, and publishing four papers in conference proceedings, he has also published three book chapters.
Aneela Tahilramani
Dr. Ancela Tahilramani is an assistant professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at VIPS. She holds a doctorate degree in English Literature with an experience of 10 years of teaching and industry experience. Over her teaching years, she has taught Research Methodology, Public Relations, Communication, Advertisement and Health Communication at graduation and post-graduation level. Her expertise and depth of learning on each of the subjects which she has taught, with her distinct style of teaching and imparting education is well recognized. She has attended and presented papers at many seminars and conferences both at International and National level.
Anilkumar ER
Anilkumar E.R. is a research scholar in the School of Film Studies, Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University, Kerala. Currently he is pursuing his PhD on the topic Representation of tribes in Indian cinema'. He has presented research papers in National and International conferences and seminars. He has also published research articles in various research journals.
Anjali R.
Anjali R is working as an Assistant Professor at Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore. She holds a Master's Degree in Mass Communication from the Central University of Tamil Nadu. She is involved in researching and writing about studies on newspapers, social media, gender, and new media and communication as well as analysing and identifying current issues. She has published articles in national and international publications.
Binish Parveen
Binish Parveen is a doctoral research scholar in the Department of Media and Communication, School of Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India. She has contributed research articles to reputed journals apart from book chapters. Her research areas are new media, gender studies and social media.
Chetna Bhatia
Dr. Chetna Bhatia is Sr Assistant Professor in Journalism & Mass Communication at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, affiliated to GGS IP University, New Delhi. Her present area of research is media
literacy with reference to COVID-19 Pandemic. She has authored and co- authored books and chapters on paid news, media trail, community radio along with advertising and gender studies. Dr. Bhatia has been part of the prestigious IAMCR, ICMC and AMIC international conferences as well.
Chhavi Garg
Dr. Chhavi Garg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India and her research areas include Mobile Communication and its effects on different sections of society. Her most recent publications are 'Is mobile phone invading multiple boundaries? A study of rural illiterate women' published in Indian Journal of Gender Studies and 'Media usage profile: a study of Gujjar community of India' in Media Asia.
Debjani Chakraborty
Debjani Chakraborty is a doctoral research scholar in the Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India and has six years of professional experience as journalist and development communication specialist.
Divyani Redhu
Divyani Redhu has done her Ph.D. from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), Govt. of NCT of Delhi. She did her Master in Mass Communication from GGSIPU with distinction and has been the gold medallist for the same. Also, she was the topper and scholarship holder in Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication. Apart from her academic achievements, she has been actively participating in seminars, conferences, workshops and FDPs with several publications to her credit. Hashim Hamza Puthiyakath
Hashim Hamza Puthiyakath is a PhD scholar in Mass Communication in the Department of Media and Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. His research focuses on the diffusion of new media technologies and their cultural and economic significance. He has published articles in national and international publications.
K.L. Nandhini Priya
Nandhini Priya is currently a doctoral research scholar at Department of Media studies, CEG Campus, Anna University. Her research interests include media literacy, parent-child media relationship, family communication, ICT and Media psychology. She actively participates in
media literacy-based seminars, discussions and conferences in strongly communicating the necessity of bringing media education to children and adolescents in schools and colleges.
Komal Sahu
Komal Sahu is Junior Research Fellow at Department of Library and Information Science, Central University of Tamil Nadu. She has 3 publications to her credit and participated/presented in various conferences/ seminars at regional/national/international level.
Manash Pratim Goswami
Manash P. Goswami is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. He did his master's in Journalism & Mass Communication. Prior to his post-graduate degree, he has done his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Hon) from the University of Delhi. Previously, he had been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak He has published more than three dozen research papers and research articles primarily focused on art, culture, traditions, cinema and new media. He regularly writes features for several leading newspapers, magazines and websites
Maria Sunil Mannanal
Maria Sunil is a research scholar in the Department of Economics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India. Her areas of interest include development, environment, and health economics.
N. Rajagopal
Dr. N Rajagopal is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India. He has been engaged in teaching history of economic thought and development economics. Some of his research interest areas are developmental and environmental issues, health care policy, and migration.
Neha Pandey
Dr. Neha Pandey is presently nourishing the young minds at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the prestigious Banaras Hindu University in the capacity of Assistant Professor. She has specialized in New Media and is interested in cultural studies, health communication and organizational behaviour. She is a meticulous
academician with gold medal to her credit. She has also worked in Business Standard Ltd and has served the society and bagged the Best Programme Officer Award in National Service Scheme at University level. She has presented papers in international and national conferences and has developed modules for online-learning.
Nikhil Kumar Gouda
Nikhil Kumar Gouda, Ph.D., M.Phil., MJMC, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Mass Communication of the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. His subject specializations include Communication Theory, Media Research; Print Editing & Writing; Development Communications; Radio; and social media. His research areas are Health Communication and social media. He has 20 years of experience in the academics and media industry.
P. Uma Maheswari
Dr. P. Uma Maheswari is currently working as an Associate professor at the Department of Media studies, CEG Campus, Anna University. She also holds more 20 years of media teaching experience. She specialized in ICT and education, advertising, media research and e- learning. She has attended several International prestigious media conferences for presenting papers and discussions. She has coordinated multiple projects like Communication Strategy for Sanitation and Hygiene Behaviour Change and Acceleration of that was conducted by UNICEF & for Directorate of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (DRD & PR). She has coordinated the production of two video films on Convergence and Micro Enterprise (Income Generation Activities) of Self-Help Groups under Swayamsidha Scheme that was led by Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd., Chennai.
Pranjal Garg
Dr. Pranjal Garg has done his doctoral degree in classical archaeology on copper age cultures of western India. He has been a part of several excavations and explorations and has also been involved in curating archaeological exhibitions. He is an expert in archaeological ceramic assemblage. His research interests are Harappan studies, Ancient Indian culture, Traditional Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems, Vedic studies, Puranic Literature Studies, and Ethnoarchaeology. He has taught in different universities and is presently teaching in the Department of History, Central University of Tamil Nadu.
Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar is a Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Library & Information Science, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. He has some publications to his credit and participated in/attended various conferences/seminars/workshops at the national level.
Preetilata Kumari
The author is a PhD scholar in the Royal School of Communication and Media, Royal Global University, Guwahati, Assam. The author keeps interest in creative as well as academic writing. She also maintains a blog of her own where she shares her creative imagination. The author also likes to study about the social media space along with subjects like popular culture and film studies.
Radha Bathran
Dr. Radha Bathran is an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu with 13 years of academic experience and 5 years of industrial experience in development sectors. The authors' research publications include areas on Development Communication, Film and Cultural studies, Gender Studies, New Media, Human Rights, Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Media Literacy. The author has completed projects with ICSSR and National Commission for Women-specifically on Media Literacy and Women, Elder Care and Rights. Recipient of fellowship towards International Human Rights Training in Canada in the year 2017.
Ramesh Kumar Sharma
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Sharma is working as Associate Professor at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. He holds an experience of seventeen years. Dr. Sharma has authored 2 and edited 5 books, 30 research papers/ book chapters, E- Contents for UGC E-Pg Pathshala, MOOCs and e- gyankosh, IGNOU. He has been invited to deliver lectures in various central and state universities including University of Delhi, Jawaharlal University Delhi, JNVU, IGNTU and Central University of Tamil Nadu among others. Rijitha R.
Rijitha R is an Assistant Professor in the PG Department of Electronic Media at St. Thomas College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, Chennai. She qualified for TNSET in 2017 and completed her M.Phil. in Communication from Madras University. She is currently perusing her Ph.D.
unication at Central University, Thiruvarur. She has presented ers at various national and international level seminars and conferences and published several articles, reviews, and research papers. Her area of research is Health Communication, Culture & Media, Audience analysis, and Well-being studies.
S. Amudhaanandheswaran
S. Amudhaanandheswaran is a post-graduate student pursuing electronic media at Department of Media studies, CEG Campus, Anna University. He has experience of working in television industry as a program producer.
Shahsank Kumar Dwivedi
Shashank Kumar Dwivedi is a research scholar at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh. His research deals with 'Memes and political communication. He has worked as media professional previously.
Shardha Suman
Shardha Suman is a PhD research scholar at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. She has her master's degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Her areas of interest include Health Communication, New Media, Branding and Advertising.
Sharmila Christi
Sharmila Christy. S is an HoD and Associate Professor in the UG Department of Visual Communication at Women's Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She has 21 years of teaching experience. She qualified for UGC-NET in 2011, TNSET in 2011 and MPhil in Communication from Mother Teresa University. She is currently perusing her Ph.D. in Mass Communication at Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. She has presented research papers and articles at National and International Conferences. She has completed a UGC Minor project on "Role of Community Radio in Empowerment of fisher women community in Tamil Nadu.
Shourini Banerjee
Dr. Shourini Banerjee is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Communication, The American College, Madurai. She is also a Visiting faculty for Jain University for Online classes and was associated with Xaviers Institute of Management, Odisha as well
as UpGrads (online education app) as an Adjunct Faculty. She has over 7 years of experience as a media educator. She completed her Ph.D. research on "Gender and Masculinity in Television Commercials-A Critical Study" in 2019. She has presented 24 papers at national and international conferences and has 41 publications. Besides her credit, she has a co- edited book on "A Panoramic View on Women and Films in India". She is currently working on her second co-edited book on "Regional media". Her area of specialisation is Communication and Media Research, Media Literacy, Advertisements, and Gender Studies.
Subhi Vishwakarma
Subhi Vishwakarma is a Content Contributor at SwarajyaMag. She also works for an NGO called 'Sewa Nyaya Utthan' that works against women exploitation as their content writer.
Sudheer S. Salam
Dr. Sudheer S Salam is the Director and Assistant professor of the School of Film Studies, Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University, Kerala. His research interests include film history, film and representations, new media and film gender and film. He has published research articles in international and national publications.
Tahzeeb Fatma
Dr. Tahzeeb Fatma is an Assistant Professor working at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, and has over nine years of experience in teaching Journalism and Mass Communication to undergraduate students. She has earned her Doctorate Degree from Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia and is an alumna of Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her area of interest is in Cultural Studies, Cinema Studies, News Studies and Development Studies.
Uthara B.
Uthara B is currently pursuing her second-year doctoral degree in the Department of History, Central University of Tamil Nadu. Her research explores the continuity and transition of cultural sequence of the early historic site of Pattanam in Kerala. On a broader scope, she is interested in Early Historic Archaeology, Urbanization, Trans-oceanic trade, and Diaspora studies. She holds a five-year Integrated MA in History from Pondicherry University. She did an internship program with the Institute for Studies in the Heritage of Coastal Kerala and the State Department of Archaeology.