ISBN: 81-7019-444-X
Year: 2007
Binding: Hardbound
Contents: Foreword, note by editors, Speeches delivered at the presentation,An appreciation,On certain aspects of the study of the structure and development of the earth's crust and the upper mantle,Submarine ridges as a key to the pattern of the motion of continents since triassic time, Continental accretion and the evolution of North America, Epeirogeny, The geological map- an historical essay,Thoughts about an expanding globe,Polar wandering or continental drif? Island arcs with special reference to s.E. Asia (reprinted),The structure of India (reprinted),Elements in the classification of the late glacial quaternary of mid Western North America,On some anomalous bouguer gravity anomalies in India, Hidden ridges in the indo-gangetic plains, Recent studeies on elastic properties of some Indian rocks, Seismic wave velocity measurement (Ultrasonic) i boring cores from volcano Mihera-yama, Oshima,Japan,Use of broad, regional magnetic anomalies i studies of the deep crust, The chemical history of the earth, Aluminian augite and bronzite in alkali olivine basalt from takasima, North Kyusyu,Japan,Manganese oxide minerals VIII hollandite,Distribution of MNO between co-existing llmenite and magnetite,Recent studies on the phase equilibrium relation of manganese minerals and their implications on the mineralogenetic trend of natural ore deposits, Studies of the lithium contents of Indian rocks and minerals, Manganapatite from tirodi,Balaghat district,The swedish kimberlites and a comparison with some South African and Russian rocks,Rodingitic assemblages in fetlar,shetland Islands,Scotland,A pyroxene granulite from Hittero,Southwest Norway,A comparative survey of four tholeiitic magma provinces,Petrochemistry and petrogenesis of the British tertiary igneous province,Structural and stratigraphic environment of granitic plutons in esmeralda county,nevada,On the classification and correlation of the ancient schistose formation of peninsular India- a review,Studies on the areal composition variations in the Bahalda road Granodiorite, Mayurbhanj,Petrochemistry of the lavas of pavagad hill, gujarat,Garnets and metamorphism,Criteria based on textual features to infer replacement origin of plutonic rocks with special reference to the sequence hornblendeplagioclase-potash feldspar,Metallogenic provinces,The amba dongar fluorspar deposit: a unique example of mineralisation related to deccan volcanism,Non ferrous metals trends, The origin of the bauxite deposits of Gujarat,India, Origin of the heavy mineral beach sand deposits of the Southwest coast of India,Growing use of minerals,Somes aspects of recent palaeobotanical research in India- a geologist's review.