Bee faunal diversity in the Nilgiris part of the Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu
Size of pollen foraging population and its dynamics in Apis cerana
indica and Apis mellifera in different regions in Karnataka
Preferential visitation by different species of honey bees on three elite genotypes of Sesame
Foraging behaviour of honey bees on three elite genotypes of niger
Comparative analysis of aerospora at five different sites in Lucknow, India
Megascolia flavifrons ? An unusual pollinator of onion flowers
Meliponiculture for yield enhancement and food safety in Kerala
Sporulation in marine brown algae of Indian coast: A Review
Apomixis in an endangered endemic tree species, Poeciloneuron pauciflorum Bedd. (Clusiaceae) from the Western Ghats, South India
Flower-butterfly interactions and pollination
Flowering phenology and pollination mechanism of some mangrove plants
Fungal airspora of Visakhapatnam
Pollination Biolgy in Impatiens gardneriana wight (Balsaminaceae)
Phenology and Reproductive Biology of Parthenium hysterophorus L.