Studies on floral diversity in Coccinia grandis (Cucurbitaceae)
Pollination biology of Gloriosa superba L. (Liliaceae)
Curvularia and Alternaria in the air of Visakhapatnam: An Andersen Sampler study
Taxonomic status of three species complexes within the genus Aloe L. (Aloaceae) of Ethiopia
Spore shedding from two estuarine red algae of Vainateyam estuary, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pollination biology of Tamarindus indica L. (Caesalpiniaceae)
Species diversity in Albizia in Tripura, India
A contribution to the pollen morphology of family Bignoniaceae
Pollinators and their role in sustainable food security
Effect of some heavy metal pollutants on pollen germination of Cleome viscosa L.
Pollen germination of three aquatic plant species
Foraging ecology of honey bees in relation to flower morphology, floral biology and chemical constituents of floral rewards of some plant species
Pollination biology of Erythrina brucei (Fabaceae)
Reproductive Biology of Taxillus tomentosus
The effect of human activity on the incidence of fungi in the air of Visakhapatnam
Anticarcinogenic and curative properties of garlic and morphometric characterization of its chromosomes