Preface,Editor and advisory reviewers,The status of grazing lands of alpine regions in the Garhwal Himalayas,Tree population structure of sub-tropical forests of Manipur, North Eastern India and implications for their regeneration,Analysis of forest communities of outer Garhwal Himalaya, Certain structural characteristics of manu swamp: a tropical fresh-water swamp forest at rishikesh (Dehradun), U.P., Ecological studies in some oak forests of western Garhwal Himalaya,Phytosociological analysis of some temperate forests of chamoli (Garhwal), Decomposition of oak, pine and oak, pine and oak+ pine leaf litter in oak forests of Kumaun Himalaya ,Effect of distillery effluent on amino-acid concentrations of pisum sativum and citrus maxima, Effect of deforestation on microbes, VAM fungi and their, enzymatic activity in Eastern Himalaya, A note on the chemical analysis of certain high altitude grasses of Garhwal Himalaya, Grazing impact on the cycling of nutrients in two sub-alpine grassland communities of Garhwal Himalaya varying in topography-III. Potassium, Ecology environmental conservation and development in bhutan Himalaya, Reclaiming forest lands in the Himalaya, Forest management or socio-economic management? alternate approaches to environmental rehabilitation, Resource potential, plantation, utilization and management of multipurpose woody species in the Himalayan region, Plants and agroforestry in landuse pattern of central Himalaya, Physico-chemical and phycological assessment of the water of Ganga at Rishikesh and hardwar, Rare and endangered flora of Eastern Himalaya and the measures for its conservation, A not on hymenosztylium (hedm) dix, a rock builder moss in aberfoyle, Nainital, Environmental conservation of mined ecosystems, Impact of wild fire on vegetation structure of a montane oak forest of Garhwal Himalaya.