ISBN: 8170194644,9788170194644
Year: 2012
Binding: Hardbound
Diseases Caused By Fungi, Anthracnose, Dieback,Sooty mould, Black mildew, Scab, Black banded, Phoma blight, Phoma leaf spot, Pink disease, Grey blight, Leaf blight, Alternaria leaf spot, Phytophtora blight, Wilt, Sclerotium rot, Root rot and damping off, Stigmina leaf spot, Gummosis, Black root rot, Angular leaf spot, Mango malformation, Diseases, Caused by Bacteria, Bacterial Canker, Diseases Caused By Algae & Lichens, Red rust, Lichens, Phanerogamicparasites and Epiphytes, (Phaneroganic parasites)(Loranthus) (Cassytha/Dodder), Epiphytes, Physiological diseases/Disorders, Black tip, Soft nose, Spongy tissue, Nutritional Deficiency, Internal necrosis, Zinc deficiency, Copper deficiency, Mango decline, Excess salt disorder, Diseases of Unknownetiology, Stem bleeding, Bark cracking, Bark scaling, Woody gall, Crincle, Flat limb, Fruit tumor, Clustering, Fruit abnormality, Chimeras, Fruit atrophy and deformity, Chimeras, Fruit splitting, Disorders Caused by Environmental or Ecological Disorders , Hails, Frost injury, Rains, storms and wind, Sun burn, Scarified fruit, Post harvest Diseases, Anthracnose, Shoulder browning, Scab, Stem end rot, Botryosphaeria rot, Brown rot, Stem end soft rot, Pestalotiosis rot, Black rot, Characoal rot, Alternaria rot, Macrophoma rot, Phoma rot, Rhizops rot, Cladosporiu rot, Fusarium rot, Canariomyces rot, Rhizoctonia rot, Sooty mould, Red rust, Mucor rot, Grey mould, Blue mould, Hendersonia rot, Watery soft rot, Bacterial canker, Yeasty rot, Sclerotium fruit rot, Post Harvest Disorders, Jelly seed Stem end Cavity, Hot water scald, Chilling injury, Lumpy tissue, Ricy disorder, Sap burn, Lenticel spotting, Black pimples, Reduce diseases in mango.